Friday, November 23, 2007


A recent event that occurred in Malaysia created many response from the education ministry. A 12 year old girl committed suicide because her Primary School Leaving Examination (UPSR) results were not up to her parents expectations. Her promise of obtaining 4 A's did not come true, instead she obtained 4 B's. That was her cause for committing suicide. Many teachers and action groups was quick to response that parents were not to pressurize their children.

I do wonder what actually led the girl of such age to commit suicide. It takes more than just being brave to take one's life. Was there something that have been hidden form the media? Or is this the beginning of a trend to many other under achievers out there? Are parents more conscious about their children performance in school rather than the psychological effect that could destroy them?

Whatever it is, i guess its time for the parents to stop and think of their actions and analyze how much pressure they are giving their children. Probably some of these parents did not achieved their dreams and hence they are actually trying to live their dream through their children. Many of them send their children to piano, ballet, singing, language classes despite knowing that schools nowadays are giving more and more assignments and homeworks. I may not be a parent yet, but i have heard and seen enough of these so-called parents who make their kids do things that they dreamed of doing. Some of these kids are only 5 or 6 but they already have a busy schedule like an adult.

I hope the death of this girl would only be an isolated case and urge parents to love and support their children and understand them.

(These are my own point of view)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Beginning

Hee Haa!
Hello hello hello! Hmmm... Got to be honest, i have no clue what to write, just yet, but probably will get there once i'm into it. i am not new to the world of blogging as i have maintained blogs in Friendster (it's horribly slow). Anyway, for those who are interested in reading my blogs, it's going to be pretty much relating to the latest news reporting. i do not believe in self-promotion blogs as it makes me sick when i read one.
I will update my site once a week, depending whether i have any interesting topic to talk about. So, till then
auf Wiedersehen!